In the beginning...

A few years ago I stumbled across a video of a three foot tall robot made by an overseas corporation that also makes cars. I don't know why these robots are so short, but their lack of tallness makes me suspicious. They claim to be here to help is a three foot robot going to help me? It can't reach the top of the washing machine so laundry is out. It can unload the dishwasher...but it would probably stack all the dishes on the kitchen floor since it can't reach much higher than the counter top. And it definitley could not mow the lawn, there's no way it could pull the starter rope, and then operate the throttle bar while pushing...even if it could, it would probably run over all your sprinkler heads costing you more trouble in the long run.
I soon realized that by "help" these robots mean "kill". I quickly developed an irrational fear of robots and started learning all that I needed to know about them, which is: They are mostly made out of plastic. Thank goodness. This only leaves one question: 12 gauge or .223?